Gutenberg blocks in Complianz Privacy Suite 2.1.0

Since Complianz version 2.1.0, the plugin includes it’s own Gutenberg blocks and is listed in the block enabled plugins on

What does this mean?

As you are probably aware (how could you have missed it), since WordPress 5.0the Gutenberg Editor was introduced. It certainly looks great and offers new possibilities we didn’t have before. For example, in the old editor, to add functionality to a WordPress page, you had to use shortcodes. This works great, but has one big disadvantage: the end-user has to know the shortcodes and the possible attributes to use them. In Complianz we use shortcodes like this:

Region EU not activated for cookie-policy.

If you see this on your page, you will probably guess what it does, but you won’t see what it will look like on the front-end. Gutenberg blocks change this.

Gutenberg: more Wysiwyg capabilities

Since the 2.1.0 release, there is a Complianz block that you can add.

Then, if you have completed the wizard in the Complianz Privacy Suite plugin, you will see one or more selectable documents in the right sidebar

When you select one, you will get to see the preview of the actual document

Complianz Privacy Suite will continue to work with the classic editor, but for those of you who love the block editor, you can use the fully integrated Complianz block.

Join 1M+ users and install The Privacy Suite for WordPress locally, automated or fully customized, and access our awesome support if you need any help!

Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.